Road User Charges (RUC)
now apply to light electric vehicles.

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The safer the car, the safer they are

Getting it right

Fuel economy information. How to comply with regulations.

If you're a motor vehicle trader, you are required by law to print and display vehicle fuel economy labels on your vehicles for sale.

You also must include fuel economy information in your online listings (website, online sales platforms and social media).

RUC will apply to light electric vehicles
from 1 April 2024.

Road User charges (RUC) will apply to light vehicles powered fully or partly from external supplied electricity and weighing less than 3.5 tonnes.

Safety rating labels indicate the safety performance of a vehicle using a rating out of 5 stars.

For help with this site, please contact MIA at

April 2024: Additional data requirements and review support for model codes. UPDATED 24 April.

The following changes have been made to fields and documentation required when creating or updating model codes:

- Separate weight fields to display both the documented tare weight, and the tare weight for the Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions Data (VEED) Rule

- Mandatory uploading of a Statement of Compliance (SoC) when creating a new model code
- Requirement to confirm/signoff all new and updated model codes alongside associated documents

- Reorganization of PUBLISH functions to fit into review/signoff processes
- Options to automate an internal peer review step when preparing or updating model codes
- Mandatory NZTA review of any updates made to an existing model code in use that affect CCS-related values

Transitioning from VinDirect to MIAMI

From 1 November 2022, VinDirect will be progressively phased out and replaced by MIAMI.
This transition will occur in phases and affects importers of new light vehicles, motorcycles and heavy vehicles.